A big change in thinking
On 24 August, Council of Macedon Ranges passed a motion to protect Barrm Birrm, specifically .... that Council:
1. Recognises the unique and special environmental and community values of Barrm Birrm;
2. Advocates to the Victorian Government for the public purchase of the privately owned lots within the area known as Barrm Birrm for community benefit;
3. Writes to the Honourable Lily D’Ambrosio MP, Minister for Environment and Climate Action and the Local Member for Macedon the Honourable Mary-Anne Thomas MP, Minister for Health to advise of this motion and Council’s advocacy for Barrm Birrm; and
4. Request staff to prepare a report outlining actions that can be undertaken to ensure the appropriate management of Barrm Birrm.
This is what Barrm Birrm is for - being out in the open air and enjoying the bush.
This is a big change in thinking. Riddells Creek Landcare has been pushing for this for 17 years, and with the support of the Environment Team at Council and our Councillors we now have recognition that there is an amazing place sitting here just on the edge of Riddells Creek.
At their next meeting, Councillors will consider how to move toward buying back the private lots. It's going to take money and determination. But if you, dear reader, yes you, speak up, it will show Councillors and Council management that it is important to protect Barrm Birrm.
Some people walk their dogs, some people walk with friends, some people walk alone. People visit to get away from suburbia, some to get exercise, some to botanise. They come in all weathers, and all seasons.
What do you enjoy about Barrm Birrm? Send your thoughts to ceo@mrsc.vic.gov.au, and copy in East Ward Councillers adeath@mrsc.vic.gov.au bwest@mrsc.vic.gov.au gneil@mrsc.vic.gov.au and the mayor janderson@mrsc.vic.gov.au:
Riddells Creek Landcare things it comes down to the quality of the bushland here, and the fact that it is right on the doorstep of our rapidly growing town. Consider these points ....
. In its resolution 24 August on Barrm Birrm, Councillors took a big step. Well done!
. Barrm Birrm is a remnant of the woodlands which once fringed the volcanic plains. It has many different grasses, lilies, orchids, daisies and other flora. It is relatively weed free, has had very little grazing or logging, and is in close to original condition.
. It is a place where local residents can get out into nature.
. However, the area is largely in private hands, and although no building has ever been allowed, owners can still camp there, and 4WDs and trail bikes continue to damage the sensitive grasslands.
. The only way to protect Barrm Birrm is to buy it back and make it a public reserve.