Three walks in Barrm Birrm
If you walk in Barrm Birrm, up the hill there where Gap Road turns to gravel, you probably have your favourite walk already, but here are three walks to explore more of this mysterious hillside.

A roo track is barely different to the bush around, but it's there
It's a deep relaxation to have a walking loop you can do without thinking, but if you want to mix it up a bit, here are three different ways to walk in BarrmBirrm. With each walk, you'll notice more about this complex piece of country.
Walk along the hillside. The public tracks made when BarrmBirrm was first sold off dip down into the gullies then rise up to the ridges that flow down the hillside, but all the time they run laterally along the hillside. There's a subtle difference in what's growing in the wetter gullies compared to the dryer ridges. The trees are pretty much the same, and the wallaby grass is pretty much everywhere, but it's the mid storey that changes.
Walk up the hillside. Take one of the many tracks running up the slope. Starting from Gap Raod, you pass through a more dense understorey, but progressively, with each lateral track you cross, the understorey gets lighter, until the final section from the dam level up is pretty much just grasses on the ground and smaller stringybarks over them.
Walk the kangaroo tracks. Laced across these man-made tracks are the routes the roos take. Your eyes have to get tuned in to see them, but once you find them, they are distinct. They will take you sideways along the slope, or up and down the hillside on the diagonal, in a way that's easy for a hopping animal.
You'll find yourself right inside the landscape, and if you walk with your eyes up, sometimes you'll see them, looking at you. Stop and look back, two creatures curious about each other.