Some favorite places in Barrm Birrm
Here is just one walk through Barrm Birrm.
Every walk is different, even if it goes the same route. I made the video below for the Riddells Creek Energy Expo, to introduce people to Barrm Birrm.

The walk starts at 288 Gap Road. Across the road, we head for Princess Road, and then onto Cassinia Way, which runs all the way from the cemetery alongside Gap Road, far enough in to forget about the traffic and sink into the bush.
I walk to the northern end of Barrm Birrm, up to the dam, then wind downhill back to the billabong at Prince Albert and down the roo track back to the parking area.
This route on the map below. Some of this walk you will be trespassing on private property, but if you stick to the tracks, tread carefully, pick up rubbish, and pull out weedy plants, you are doing it for the good of the land here. Walking in the bush and looking after it is one of our Landcare projects.