The lovely Cinnamon Wattle is flowering
What the Cinnamon Wattle lacks in bulk, it makes up in delicacy. It's out now in Barrm Birrm, and suddenly, it's everywhere, scattered through the lower slopes.
Cinnamon Wattle Acacia leprosa
The ABC ran a nation public vote on Australia's most popular tree (270k votes cast). The River Red Gum came out of top, and along with a batch of other gums, left the wattles languishing down the list, despite the ABC Chair, Ita Buttrose, giving one her vote.
Ah well, what the Cinnamon Wattle lacks in stature and bulk, it makes up in delicacy. An open shrub, a metre to 4 metres tall, its yellow spherical flower heads are crowded along its stems in an exuberant way.
That's the acacia style, exuberant, and you can see a whole suite of them now in Barrm Birrm - Cinnamon Wattle on the higher country, and in the damper gullies, the lovely acacia nano dealbata and a personal favorite, acacia verticilatta, Prickly Moses, bursting forth in the damper place like the hillside just near my place.
Load up the iNaturalist app that we've been learning to use at Riddells Creek Landcare and you won't be afraid of not knowing what it's called - just take a photo, and the app will give you expert advise!
Clare Watson, our Landcare facilitator, and her two girls, out in Barrm Birrm, botanising